Page:Collier's New Encyclopedia v. 04.djvu/428

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GORIZIA 364 GORIZIA 23, against 62 in the least capacious human skull, and 114 in the greatest. The formidable canines are only sexual characteristics, being of more moderate size in the female. The low facial angle also, and the abundant hair, with the ex- traordinary breadth of the chest dimin- ish the resemblance to man. The last mentioned characteristic imparts to the animal colossal strength. It is a native of Lower Guinea and the interior of equinoetial Africa. It has a congener in the same region, the Chimpanzee (g. v.). about 36 miles N. W. of Triest. The situation is attractive, the buildings being on an elevation which overlooks the Isonzo valley, with castles, monasteries, and churches, ancient and picturesque in character, in the foreground. It is the seat of an archbishopric, and contains a cathedral of the 17tih century, archbish- op's palace, college, barracks, and govern- ment buildings. During the Austrian occupation it was regarded as the center of an Adriatic Riviera, and was much frequented by Austrians for health and A. Skull Hand GORIZIA or GORITZ or GORZ. A vacation. The establishments include town which figured prominently in the schools of various kinds, libraries, hospi- World War, in the former Austrian tals, seminaries and experiment stations, crownland of Gorz and Gradisca, now an Its manufactures are considerable, in- Italian possession on the river Isonzo, eluding silks, thread, pottery, leather,