Page:Collier's New Encyclopedia v. 08.djvu/159

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ROSTAND 125 ROTATION <'Othello," "Moses in Egypt," "Semira- burg in 1853. He died in Moscow, Jan. mide," "The Pilfering Magpie," ;> "The 30, 1826. Lady of the Lake," "Count Ory," and ROSTOV-ON-DON, a city of Russia, "William Tell." This, last, the greatest situated in the delt £ of the Don river and most original of his works, was writ- near the gea of Azoy> Before the ten at the age of 37, and with it closed World War it wag an important trade the career of Rossini as a composer. center> from which was s hi ppe d vast After holding the post of manager of quantities of grain and flour . The man. the Italian Theater at Paris during some ufactures alone amounted to ten million time, he, in 1836 returned to his native dollars a year# Here are i ocate d the country, where he continued to _ reside largest flour mills in the wor i d . T h e till 1856, when he repaired to Paris once dty ig alg0 the center of the Donetz more. His only important work since Bagin coal mineg> f Qr which the Bolghe . the production of William Tell is his viki and the counter-revolutionary forces T,r«n l^^-nm "QfoKof Mnfpr" He died in -^ •, ■ , , ^ , J ■, well-known "Stabat Mater. his villa in Passy, near Paris, Nov. 13, 1808. ROSTAND, EDMOND, a French poet; under Denikin struggled fiercely during 1919. The Bolsheviki have held the city since the beginning of 1920. The pop- ulation of about 175,000 consists largely born"m"Marseiiies"Fr*ance" in 1868;" was of Cossacks, educated in Paris; and in 1894 his first ROSTRUM, plural ROSTRA, a scaf- play "The Romanesques was produced foM Qr elevat ' ed platform in th ' e Forum at the Comedie Francaise. It was an at R from whkh bUc orations instantaneous success and was followed pleadingS) f uner al harangues, etc., were by Princess Lomtaine (1896); _La delivered . so called from the rostra or Samaritaine" (1897) ; "Cyrano de Ber gerac" (1897) ; "L'Aiglon" ("The Eag beaks of ships with which it was orna- mented. Also a pulpit, platform, or ele- fe.'" , 19 ?°2' and "fhantecler" (1910). vated place from which a speak ^ r as a The last three were translated into Eng- preacher an auctioneer, etc., addresses lish and played in the United States by ^ aud j ence Richard Mansfield and Maude Adams. Rostand's versification is of remarkable ROSWELL, a city of New Mexico, the beauty. On May 30, 1901, he was county-seat of Chaves co. It is on the elected one of the 40 "immortals" of the Pecos river and on the Atchison, Topeka French Academy. He died in 1918. and Santa Fe railway. It is the center -r»«,«rr.-^-7, ■ •vi i . „ of an important agricultural and cattle • R 1 0STER l ' m ™jit»fy language, a term and gh * raigi Industry. Its notable implying the seniority list from which institut ions include the New Mexico Mil- officers are detailed for duty m regular it i nst itute, St. Mary's Hospital, a succession; hence, occasionally a list bUc library and a Fede ral building showing the.turn or rotation of service £ nd courthouse . Pop- (1910) 6 112 ; or duty, as in the case of military om- (1920) 7 033 cers and others who relieve or succeed each other. ROSTOPCHIN, FEODOR VAS- ROT, a disease in sheep and other gram- inivorous animals, produced by the hy- dratids Fasciola hepatica and Distoma SILIEVICH, COUNT, a Russian general; i anceo i at um, often living in great num- ?? rn i in oo th ?r,,Po roV1 £ C( ; • Of <3l, Russia, berg in the gall . ducts and bladder of March 23, 1763. Entering the Russian the animal. The latter parasite has been military service as a lieutenant in the detected i n the human subject. Imperial Guard, he won great influence over the weak mind of the Emperor ROTATION, in astronomy, the turn- Paul, who promoted him to various of- ing round of a planet on its imaginary fices in rapid succession. In May, 1812, axis, like that of a wheel on its axle, the Emperor Alexander appointed him In the infancy of astronomy it was as- governor of Moscow. He it was, accord- sumed that the earth was at rest, and ing to the French writers, who planned that the sun and stars moved round it and began with his own hand the burn- from E. to W. After note had been ing of Moscow. But in 1823 he pub- taken of the fact that when a boat is lished "The Truth About the Burning gently gliding along a canal or tranquil of Moscow" (Paris, 1823), in which he lake, the sensation to one on board is rebuts the charge. Nevertheless, he sub- as if the boat was stationary, and the sequently recalled this denial and ad- objects on the bank moved past in the mitted that he at least set fire to his opposite direction, a second hypothesis own mansion house. His works, which became worth consideration, viz., that include a number of historical memoirs, the apparently stationary earth might two comedies, etc., in Russian and be like the moving boat, and the heavens French, were published at St. Peters- resemble the really stationary bank. It I— Cyc Vol 8