Page:Collier's New Encyclopedia v. 08.djvu/416

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SEWING MACHINE 360 SEXTANT Wilson machine works with great ease and smoothness, and as the machine can be noiselessly worked at a high speed, it is a great favorite for general domestic and light manufacturing vises. The or- dinary Grover & Baker machine makes a knotted or double loop chain stitch of a complex character. For general pur- poses it is not now in great favor, owing from end to end to the sack seam, draw- ing the thread through with it. SEXAGESIMA SUNDAY, the second Sunday before Lent, the one immediately before Shrove Tuesday, so called because it falls about 60 days before Easter. SEXTANS ("the Sextant"), one of the 10 new constellations added to the 1. Mirror. 2. Telescope. 3. Handle. 4. Shade Glasses. 5. Horizon Glasses. 6. Adjusting Screw. 7. Black Shade Glasses. 8. Arc. 9. Index Tangent Screw. 10. Sliding Limb. 11. Reading Glass. 12. Vernier Shade. 13. Vernier. 14. Mirror Adjusting Screw. to the ridged nature of the seam it makes, and to the considerable waste of thread the peculiar nature of the stitch involves. Overhead Machines. — In overhead stitching two edges are sewed together by the thread passing over and binding in their outer extremities, a style of sew- ing generally seen in gloves and invaria- bly used for sacks. In order to effect the sewing of sacks with this stitch by ma- chinery, many attempts have been made, and some of them have attained a degree of practical success. In Laing's over- head machine, invented and manufactured in Dundee, a helical needle is employed, which in its motion of rotation passes heavens by Hevelius in his "Prodromus Astronomiae" (Forerunner of Astrono- my), in 1690, of which eight have sur- vived to the present day. It is sur- rounded by Leo, Crater, and Hydra. Not having been known as a constellation in Bayer's time, it has gone without Greek letters attached to its stars till recently, when Gould assigned them to five of # its brightest stars. It is a very inconspicu- ous constellation, the brightest star being only of the 4.9 magnitude. SEXTANT, an instrument for measur- ing the angular distance of objects by means of reflection. The principle of its