Page:Collier's New Encyclopedia v. 10.djvu/13

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List of Illustrations TOKio — Colored Frontispiece Opposite page 84 pr^esidential inaugural, 1921 President-Elect Harding Takes Oath of Office President Harding and His Cabinet House of Representatives Supreme Court Chamber Senate Chamber State, Army, and Navy Building The White House Opposite page 180 Public Consistory in the Vatican Pitch Lake, Island of Trinidad Natural Bridge, Cedar Canon, Utah Valparaiso, Chile The Arsenal, Venice Charlotte Amalie, Virgin Islands Harbor of Vladivostok Grand Canal, Venice Opposite page 27 S Eruption of Stromboli Volcano Mt. Pelee, which Destroyed St. Pierre A Lava Flow on Kilauea Grand Opera House, Warsaw Winnipeg, Manitoba Wheat Fields, Saskatchewan Wire Entanglements — World War Wounded Soldiers Brought in by Prisoners Opposite page 308 Washington with His Family Stuart Portrait of Washington Stuart Portrait of Martha Wash- ington Washington at Tkenton Sulgrave Manor Pages of Washington's Accounts Martha Washington's Chamber Mount Vernon, Washington's Home Tomb of Washington at Mount Ver- non The Washington Monument from the Potomac Opposite page 388 Woodrow Wilson Marines in Bbllbau Wood Entering St. Mihiel Salient Advancing on the Hindenburg Line Americans in the Argonne Forest Clemenceau Addresses German Dele- gates Crowd About Versailles Palace "The Wars of America" Opposite page ^68 World War: Canadian Troops on the Rhine Ypres, Before the War Ypres, at the Close op the War Yokohama, Japan Sisal Plantation, Yucatan Bridge Over the Zambezi Rivrat Zulu War Dance Zurich, Switzerland