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TRIMORPHISM TRIMORPHISM, in biology, the ex- istence in certain plants and animals of three distinct forms, especially in con- nection with the reproductive organs. In trimorphic plants there are three forms, differing in the lengths of their pistils and stamens, in size and color of their pollen grains, and in some other re- spects ; and, as in each of the three forms there are two sets of stamens, the three forms possess altogether six sets of stamens and three kinds of pistils. These organs are so proportioned in length to each other that half the stamens in two of the forms stand on a level with the stigma of the third form. To obtain full fertility with these plants, it is necessary that the stigma of the one should be fer- tilized by pollen taken from the stamens of corresponding height in another form. Hence six unions are legitimate, i. e., fully fertile, and 12 are illegitimate, or more or less unfertile. Wallace has shown that the females of certain butter- flies from the Malay Archipelago appear in three conspicuously distinct forms without intermediate links. In crystal- lography, the occurrence of certain forms in minerals which have the same chemical composition, but are referable to three systems of crystallization. TRIMURTI, in comparative religion, the later Hindu triad = Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva — considered as an inseparable unity. The Padma Purana, which, as a Purana of the Vaishnavas, assigns ^o Vishnu the highest rank, thus defines the Trimurti ; "In the beginning of crea- tion the great Vishnu, desirous of creat- ing the world, produced from the right side of his body himself as Brahma; then, in order to preserve the world, he produced from the left side of his body Vishnu; and in order to destroy the world, he produced from the middle of his body the eternal Siva. Some worship Brahma, others Vishnu; one, yet three- fold, creates, preserves, and destroys; therefore let the pious make no differ- ence between the three." Trimurti, there- fore, implies the unity of the three prin- ciples of creation, preservation, and de- struction, and is an expression of philo- sophical, rather than of popular belief. The ssanbol of the Trimurti is the mys- tical syllable o {=a--xi) m; where a stands for Brahma, u for Vishnu, and m for Siva. Also a representation of the Hindu triad. It consists of one human body with three heads, that of Brahma in the middle, that of Vishnu at the right, and that of Siva at the left. TRINCOMALEE, a seaport, naval station, and harbor on the N. E. coast of Ceylon; 110 miles N. E. of Kandy. The L TRINIDAD town is built on a bold peninsula, whicK divides the inner and outer harbors. Here the Malabar invaders of Ceylon built the "Temple of a Thousand Columns," to which pilgrims flocked from all parts of India. This celebrated shrine was demolished in 1622 by the Portuguese, who fortified the heights with the materials derived from its de- struction. It was next held by the Dutch, and subsequently by them and the French alternately, till the capture of Ceylon by the British in 1795. The Bay of Trincomalee is landlocked ; the harbor is renowned for its extent and security; unlike every other in the Indian seas, it is accessible to every description of craft in every variation of weather, but it lies out of the course of trade, Colombo having in this respect a great advantage over it. Pop. about 12,000. TRINE, RALPH WALDO, an Ameri- can author; born in Mt. Morris, 111., Sept. 9, 1866; was graduated at Knox College, Galesburg, 111., in 1891, and then pursued studies in history and social and political science at Johns Hopkins Uni- versity. He became deeply interested in social problems; was made director of the American Humane Society and the Massachusetts Society for the Preven- tion of Cruelty to Animals. His publica- tions include: "The Life Books" (3 vols. 1896-1898); "The Greatest Thing Ever Known" (1898) ; "Every Living Crea- ture" (1899); "Character-Building Thought Power" (1900) ; "Land of Liv- ing Men" (1910); "The New Alinement of Life" (1913). TRINIDAD, a city and county-seat of Las Animas co.. Col.; on Las Ani- mas river, and on the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe, the Union Pacific, the Denver and Rio Grande, the Colorado and Southern, and the Colorado and Wyoming railroads ; 200 miles S. of Den- ver. Here are National and savings banks, numerous churches, St. Joseph's Academy, several daily and weekly news- papers, and electric lights. The city has mills, railroad car shops, powder mills, etc. Pop. (1910) 10,204; (1920) 10,906. TRINIDAD, one of the British West India islands; in the extreme S. of the group, being only 7 miles from the coast of Venezuela, the Gulf of Paria (an ex- tremely safe anchorage) lying between. It is about 50 miles long, varying in breadth from 30 to 35 miles; area, 1,755 square miles. Three ridges of mountains run E. and W., one fringing the N. coast and reaching an elevation of 3,000 feet. The island has several tolerably large rivers. A remarkable phenomenon