Page:Collier's New Encyclopedia v. 10.djvu/503

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WORLD WAR 433 WORLD WAR Admiral Jellicoe's command; in addition he had a division of battle cruisers and another of armed cruisers, as well as destroyers and light cruisers. His van- guard was made up of two battle cruis- er divisions under Vice Admiral Beatty, supported by a division of dreadnoughts of the "Queen Elizabeth" type under Rear Admiral Thomas. The Beatty column cruised some seventy miles to the Vice Admiral Von Hipper appeared to the eastward, and Admiral Beatty at once swung to the S. E. to cut between them and their base. Thereat the Ger- man commander changed his bearings to correspond, which meant that the two squadrons continued on courses nearly parallel. Their lines presently tended to converge until at 3.45 p. m. heavy firing broke from both at an estimated range of MEU5E-ARGONNE OFFENSIVE SEPT2b -MOV. 1 1, 191a fNUMBERS INDICATE CAKIGNAN U. 5. DJ VISIONS MEUSE-ARGONNE OFFENSIVE southward ahead of the main fleet. Shortly after two o'clock in the after- noon, when it was about 90 miles W. of the Danish coast, German light cruisers were sighted and became engaged with British craft of the same type. A squad- ron of five German battle cruisers under nine miles. The almost immediate result was that two of Beatty's battle cruisers, the "Indefatigable" and the "Queen Mary," were struck by broadsides and at once sank This loss placed the Beatty column at a disadvantage in numbers (it began with six battle cruisers and now