Page:Collingwood - Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll.djvu/22

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Exterior of Christ Church 44
(From a photograph.)
Grave of Archdeacon and Mrs. Dodgson in Croft churchyard 48
(From a photograph.)
Lewis Carroll, aged 23 50
(From a photograph.)
Archdeacon Dodgson 54
(From a photograph.)
Archdeacon Longley 57
(From a photograph by Lewis Carroll.)
"Alas! What boots——" 63
(From a drawing by Lewis Carroll.)
Alfred Tennyson 70
(From a photograph by Lewis Carroll, 1857.)
The Bishop of Lincoln 73
(From a photograph by Lewis Carroll, 1875.)
Bishop Wilberforce 75
(From a photograph by Lewis Carroll, 1860.)
Alice Liddell as "the beggar-child" 80
(From a photograph by Lewis Carroll, 1858.)
Sketch from St. Leonard's concert-room 82
(From a drawing by Lewis Carroll.)
George Macdonald and his daughter Lily 84
(From a photograph by Lewis Carroll, 1863.)
Mrs. Rossetti and her children, Dante Gabriel, Christina, and William 88
(From a photograph by Lewis Carroll, 1863.)
Lorina, Alice, and Edith Liddell 94
(From a photograph by Lewis Carroll.)
George Macdonald 98
(From a photograph by Lewis Carroll, 1870.)
J. Sant, R.A. 100
(From a photograph by Lewis Carroll, 1866.)
Holman Hunt 103
(From a photograph by Lewis Carroll, 1860.)
Sir John Millais 105
(From a photograph by Lewis Carroll, 1865.)
Charlotte M. Yonge 108
(From a photograph by Lewis Carroll, 1866.)
Canon Liddon 112
(From a photograph by Lewis Carroll, 1867.)
"Instance of hieroglyphic writing of the date 1867" 124
(From a sketch by Lewis Carroll.)