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" Observations on Mr. Sampson's Proposal." Oxford Printed by E. Baxter. Pp. 12, 8vo. " First Paper on Logic." Oxford : Printed by E. Baxter. Pp. 2, 8vo. "Fourth Paper on Logic. " Oxford : Printed by E. Baxter. Pp. 3, 8vo. "Fifth Paper on Logic." Oxford : Printed by E. Baxter. Pp. 4, Svo. " Sixth Paper on Logic." Oxford : Printed by E. Baxter. Pp. 4, Svo. "Questions in Logic." Oxford : Printed by E. Baxter, Pp. 4, fcap. fol. " Alice's Adventures in Wonderland ; and Through the Looking-Glass." People's editions, i vol. London Macmillan. Cr. Svo. Cloth. 4s. 6d " The Game of Logic." By Lewis Carroll. London Macmillan. Pp. 96, cr. Svo. Cloth. 3s. "Curiosa Mathematica, Part I. A New Theory of Parallels." By C. L. Dodgson. London : Mac- millan. Pp. 75. Svo. Cloth. 2S. (Reprinted in 1SS9, 1S90, and 1895.) "Memoria Technica." [Written with a cyclostyle.] Pp. 4 "Circular Billiards for Two Players." Invented, in 1S89, by Lewis Carroll. Two editions. ... ...(?) " Sylvie and Bruno." By Lewis Carroll. With forty- six illustrations by Harry Furniss. London : Mac- millan. Pp. xxiii + 400, cr. Svo. Cloth, gilt edges. (Now in its 13th thousand.) [The picture on p. 77 was drawn by Miss Alice Havers.] "The Nursery 'Alice.'" Containing twenty coloured enlargements from Tenniel's illustrations to "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland." With text adapted to nursery readers by Lewis Carroll. The 1S89 1886 1886 1887 1887 1887 1887 1888 1888 1889