Page:Collodi - The Story of a Puppet, translation Murray, 1892.djvu/166

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He returns to the Fairy's house. She promises him that the following day he shall cease to be a puppet and shall become a boy. Grand breakfast of coffee and milk to celebrate this great event.

Just as the fisherman was on the point of throwing Pinocchio into the frying-pan a large dog entered the cave, enticed there by the strong and savoury odour of fried fish.

'Get out!' shouted the fisherman threateningly, holding the floured puppet in his hand.

But the poor dog, who was as hungry as a wolf, whined and wagged his tail as much as to say:

'Give me a mouthful of fish and I will leave you in peace.'

'Get out, I tell you!' repeated the fisherman, and he stretched out his leg to give him a kick.

But the dog, who, when he was really