Page:Collodi - The Story of a Puppet, translation Murray, 1892.djvu/175

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would study, and that for the future he would always conduct himself well.

And he kept his word for the remainder of the year. Indeed, at the examinations before the holidays, he had the honour of being the first in the school, and his behaviour in general was so satisfactory and praiseworthy that the Fairy was very much pleased, and said to him:

'To-morrow your wish shall be gratified.'

'And that is?'

'To-morrow you shall cease to be a wooden puppet, and you shall become a boy.'

No one who had not witnessed it could ever imagine Pinocchio's joy at this longsighed-for good fortune. All his schoolfellows were to be invited for the following day to a grand breakfast at the Fairy's house, that they might celebrate together the great event. The Fairy had prepared two hundred cups of coffee and milk, and four hundred rolls cut and buttered on each side. The day promised to be most happy and delightful, but . . .

Unfortunately in the lives of puppets there is always a 'but' that spoils everything.