Page:Collodi - The Story of a Puppet, translation Murray, 1892.djvu/210

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rain, the performance will be postponed till to-morrow morning at 11 antemeridian of postmeridian.'

Here the director made another profound bow; and then turning to Pinocchio he said:

'Courage, Pinocchio! before you begin your feats make your bow to this distinguished audience—ladies, gentlemen, and children.'

Pinocchio obeyed and bent both his knees till they touched the ground, and remained kneeling until the director, cracking his whip, shouted to him:

'At a foot's pace!'

Then the little donkey raised himself on his four legs and began to walk round the theatre, keeping at a foot's pace.

After a little the director cried:

'Trot!' and Pinocchio, obeying the order, changed to a trot.

'Gallop!' and Pinocchio broke into a gallop.

'Full gallop!' and Pinocchio went full gallop. But whilst he was going full speed like a racehorse the director, raising his arm in the air, fired off a pistol.

At the shot the little donkey, pretending to be wounded, fell his whole length in the circus, as if he was really dying.

As he got up from the ground amidst an outburst of applause, shouts, and clapping