Page:Collodi - The Story of a Puppet, translation Murray, 1892.djvu/63

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The Cat also began to laugh, but to conceal it she combed her whiskers with her forepaws.

'There is little to laugh at,' cried Pinocchio angrily. 'I am really sorry to make your mouths water, but if you know anything about it, you can see that these here are five gold pieces.'

And he pulled out the money that Fire-eater had made him a present of.

At the sympathetic ring of the money the Fox with an involuntary movement stretched out the paw that had seemed crippled, and the cat opened wide two eyes that looked like two green lanterns. It is true that she shut them again, and so quickly that Pinocchio observed nothing.

'And now,' asked the Fox, what are you going to do with all that money?'

'First of all,' answered the puppet, 'I intend to buy a new coat for my papa, made of gold and silver, and with diamond buttons; and then I will buy a Spelling-book for myself.'

'For yourself?'

'Yes indeed: for I wish to go to school to study in earnest.'

'Look at me!' said the Fox. 'Through my foolish passion for study I have lost a leg.'

'Look at me!' said the Cat. 'Through my foolish passion for study I have lost the sight of both my eyes.'