Page:Colnett - Voyage to the South Pacific (IA cihm 33242).djvu/105

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Route from Isle Cocas, to the coast of Mexico; and from thence, to the Isles Socoro, Santo Berto and Rocka Partido.

1793.The Iſles Cocas, was the fartheſt point to the Northward, to which it was recommended to me, by the Board of Admiralty, to extend my reſearches; but an anxiety and emulation to aſcertain every part, and deſcribe the whole ſurface of the ſeas, where the fiſhery could be extended, would have enlarged the circle of my voyage, if my ſtock of proviſions and ſtores had been ſufficient for ſuch a deſign: I was therefore obliged to check my intentions, having, for the reaſons above-mentioned, time only to examine as far as 24° 0′ North, on the coaſt and gulf of California, down the coaſt of Mexico to Iſles Socoro, Santo Berto and Rocka Partido, and off the North Weſt point of the gulf of Panama.