Page:Colnett - Voyage to the South Pacific (IA cihm 33242).djvu/11

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ſeas, has found in you, a zealous advocate to repreſent his claims to thoſe, with whom it remained, to beſtow the reward due to his endeavours and merits.

As far as I am individually concerned, it is with ſincerity I aver, that in all ſituations of trial and difficulty on unknown and unfriendly coaſts, I have found an unceaſing conſolation in the hope that I poſſeſſed your good opinion; and that in the end, my ſervices would obtain, through the channel of your faithful explanation, a liberal requital.

If any diſtinct praiſe can confer an honor on your name, (beyond what it bears for the general ability, zeal and