Page:Colnett - Voyage to the South Pacific (IA cihm 33242).djvu/114

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September.took care that ſo powerful an antiſeptic, as ſour crout, ſhould not be forgotten.

For the reaſons already mentioned, I determined to ſtretch off to the Weſtward, to ſearch for Iſle Socoro, Santo Berto, and Rocka Partida, but, although I thought it right to leave the coaſt for the preſent, I did not give up my opinion, that a whaling voyage might be made in the dry ſeaſon, which would probably commence within leſs than two months; at the expiration of which time, I was determined to return. Nothing, indeed, would have deterred me from it, at preſent, if we had poſſeſſed ſufficient wind to ſhift our ſituation, and keep the run of the fiſh, or clear weather, to aſcertain the true Latitude and diſtance, from the land, at which we fell in with them.

There were many ports near this, into which I wiſhed to have entered, particularly the famous one of Guatalco, where Sir Francis Drake got a buſhel of money, out of one houſe, in 1579; and, in 1587, Sir Thomas Cavendiſh, poſſeſſed himſelf of great riches: but being naturally led to believe, that the above circumſtances would not be forgot by the natives, and my ill treatment at Nootka, and St. Blas, being alſo freſh in my memory, I thought it moſt prudent to give up, for the preſent, all ideas of going into any harbor on the Spaniſh coaſt.