Page:Colnett - Voyage to the South Pacific (IA cihm 33242).djvu/128

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more than ſix miles diſtant from the Northernmoſt. There are alſo many ſmall rocks, whoſe heads juſt riſe above the water. All theſe iſlands are covered with wood, and

    and that I might, on the return of the boat, ſend him the promiſed ſupply. The launch not coming as early as I wiſhed, I ſent one of the mates for her, but inſtead of bringing me the boat, I received an order from Don Martinez, to come on board his ſhip and bring with me my papers. This order appeared ſtrange, but I complied with it, and went on board the Princeſſa. On my coming into his cabin, he ſaid he wiſhed to ſee my papers: on my preſenting them to him, he juſt glanced his eyes over them, and although he did not underſtand a word of the language in which they were written, declared they were forged, and threw them diſdainfully on the table, ſaying at the ſame time, I ſhould not ſail until he pleaſed. On my making ſome remonſtrances at his breach of faith, and his forgetfulneſs of that word and honor which he had pledged to me, he aroſe in an apparent anger, and went out.

    I now ſaw, but too late, the duplicity of this Spaniard, and was converſing with the interpreter on the ſubject, when having my back towards the cabin door, I by chance caſt my eyes on a looking-glaſs, and ſaw an armed party ruſhing in behind me. I inſtantly put my hand to my hanger, but before I had time to place myſelf in a poſture of defenſe, a violent blow brought me to the ground. I was then ordered into the ſtocks, and cloſely confined; after which, they ſeized my ſhip and cargo, impriſoned my officers, and put my men in irons. They ſent their boats likewiſe to ſea and ſeized the ſloop Princeſs Royal, and brought her into port, for trading on the coaſt.

    It may not be amiſs to obſerve, that the Spaniards conſider it contrary to Treaty, and are extremely jealous, if any European power trades in thoſe ſeas, but this cannot juſtify Don Martinez, who, not content with ſecuring me and my people, carried me from ſhip to ſhip, like a criminal,