Page:Colnett - Voyage to the South Pacific (IA cihm 33242).djvu/132

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of that Gulf, ſixteen leagues. Between theſe iſles, and about half-way to the main, are other ſmall iſles, called the Iſabellas, which are remarkable for appearing, in all

    to truth! In his appendix to his voyage, ſpeaking of the fever and delirium with which I was afflicted whilſt in the hands of the Spaniards, he had ſtated on Mr. Duffin's ill-founded authority, that the delirium attending that fever was a family infirmity, and after wounding the feelings of all connected with me publiſhed the following by way of apology and reparation:

    January 1, 1791.

    "It is with particular ſatisfaction that I poſſeſs the opportunity of contradicting the mis-information of Mr. Duffin, relative to Captain Colnett's illneſs, in his letter to me from Nootka Sound, publiſhed in my memorial to the Houſe of Commons, No. 9, and in the appendix to my voyages. No. 13: Mr. Duffin there mentions, but I am ſure very innocently, that Mr. Colnett's inſanity is ſuppoſed to be a family diſorder; it therefore becomes my duty to declare, from the beſt authorities, that ſuch a report is diſtant of any foundation whatever."

    On my return to England in 1792, part of the money produced by the ſale of the furs, mentioned in my introduction, was placed in one of the firſt banking houſes in London, in the names of Meſſrs. Mears and Etches, to pay the amount aſcertained at that time which was due to the heirs or aſſigns of ſuch of the ſeamen as died on the voyage. If there are any monies remaining due to their repreſentatives, &c. for loſs of clothes and private property not yet ſettled, I am not accountable.

    The moſt particular papers relating to the tranſaction at Nootka, being loſt in his Majeſty's frigate the Huſſar which I had the honour to command in December, 1796, I have here given as circumſtantial a detail as I can remember, from ſo long a period as nine years paſt.