Page:Colnett - Voyage to the South Pacific (IA cihm 33242).djvu/18

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and Corea, will hereafter, I truſt, be communicated to the public.

In a ſhort time after my arrival in England, an application was made to me by different merchants to undertake another voyage to the countries I had lately viſited, on a ſalary of ſix hundred pounds per ann. and the reimburſement of all my expences, which were the conditions of my former voyages, or to go on my own terms.

So long an abſence from my country as a period of ſeven years, had occaſioned a very conſiderable change in my ſituation. During that interval, death had deprived me of my neareſt relations; many of thoſe friends alſo whom I left in England, when I departed from it, and whom I hoped to ſee again on my return to it, were now no more; ſo that few or no objects were left to check or interrupt the honeſt ambition I had never ceaſed to poſſeſs of riſing in the Royal Navy,