Page:Colnett - Voyage to the South Pacific (IA cihm 33242).djvu/24

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of twenty-five perſons, men and boys, were alſo appointed; and with the advice and aſſiſtance of my kinſman Mr. Binmer, firſt aſſiſtant ſurveyor of the Navy, who had ſuperintended the original conſtruction of the ſloop, ſuch alterations were made, as, without diminiſhing her ſtrength, or leſſening her powers of ſailing, were perfectly adapted to the commercial undertaking in which ſhe was about to be employed: ſo that ſhe was equipped and ready to leave the river by the eleventh day of November, 1792. Every nautical inſtrument, neceſſary for determining the longitude and making other uſeful obſervations, were alſo put on board and I purchaſed of Meſſrs. Enderby's one half of the ſhip, which muſt at once have checked any apprehenſion on their part, that their private concern would be interrupted or receive any detriment from the attention I might pay to ſuch inſtructions as were communicated to me by Mr. Stephens.