Page:Colnett - Voyage to the South Pacific (IA cihm 33242).djvu/28

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ſuppoſed to poſſeſs any claim to literary qualifications, which are only to be obtained in the calm of life, while ſo many of my years have been paſt amid the winds and waves, in various climes and diſtant oceans. Nevertheleſs, I poſſeſs the hope that my work may contain ſome portion of profeſſional utility, or I ſhould not have preſumed to preſent it to Mr. Stephens, as a teſtimony, humble as it may be, of my gratitude for his condeſcending kindneſs to me.

The owners, Meſſrs. Enderby and Sons, being perfectly acquainted with the intention and baſis of the plan on which the voyage was to be conducted, made out their orders in a manner altogether comformable to the views of Government; and as a proof of their confidence, furniſhed me with full powers to act as I ſhould think beſt for our common intereſt.