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neceſſaries which they procured. He ſays the land is low and flat; but he muſt certainly ſpeak only of the Eaſt ſide, or North and South points: If whales are as plentiful in the offing in the fine ſeaſon, as at the time when I was there,

    call Cornera de Terra. This creature is about four feet and an half high at the back, and a very ſtately beaſt. Theſe ſheep are ſo tame, that we frequently uſed to have one of them, upon whoſe back two of the luſtieſt men would ride at once round the iſland, to drive the reſt to the fold. His ordinary pace is either an amble or a good hand-gallop; nor does he care for going any other pace, during the time his rider is upon his back. His mouth is like that of a hare; and the hair-lip above opens as well as the main-lips, when he bites the graſs, which he does very near. His head is much like an antelope, but they had no horns when we were there; yet we found very large horns, much twiſted, in the form of a ſnail-ſhell, which we ſuppoſed they had ſhed; there laid many of them ſcattered upon the ſandy bays. His ears reſemble thoſe of an aſs, his neck ſmall, and reſembling a camels. He carries his head bending, and very ſtately, like a ſwan; is full cheſted like a horſe, and has his loins much like a well ſhaped greyhound. His buttocks reſemble thoſe of a full grown deer, and he has much ſuch a tail. He is cloven-footed like a ſheep, but, on the inſide of each foot has a large claw, bigger than ones finger, but ſharp, and reſembling thoſe of an eagle. Theſe claws ſtand about two inches above the diviſion of the hoof; and they ſerve him in climbing rocks, holding faſt, by whatever they bear againſt. His fleſh eats as like mutton as can be: he bears wool of twelve or fourteen inches long upon the belly; but it is ſhorter on the back, ſhaggy, and a little inclining to a curl. It is an innocent and very ſerviceable beaſt, fit for any drudgery. Of theſe we killed forty-three; out of the maw of one of which I took thirteen Bezoar ſtones, of which ſome were ragged, and of ſeveral forms; ſome long, reſembling coral; ſome round, and ſome oval; but all green when taken out of the maw: yet by long keeping they turned of an aſh colour.