Page:Coloured Figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms.djvu/37

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AGARICUS pileolarius. Bull. t. 400.
AGARICUS— — — caseus. With. v. 3. 287.
AGARICUS— — — subinvolutus. Batsch. t.

It seems by Bulliard and other writers, that this plant has not been observed by them in the later or advanced state, when it becomes remarkably cupsid. Lady Arden favoured me with specimens from NorkPark, near Epsom, Surry, and I have found others in most of the woods about London in October and November. Dr. Withering's reference to Bulliard and Bolton may be right; but I cannot agree with him in quoting Schaeffer t. 78 for this species. It varies a little in colour, the pileus being often greyish. The stipes has long pale blotches of a reddish brown.


AGARICUS plamatus. Bull. t. 216. With. v. 3. 341.

The station of this plant is well described by Bulliard in Withering "growing on the squared sides of timber," &c. It appears to be a constant annual. I found it on the side of an elm that had been sawed down, three years together, in November, in the decaying state. It seems allied to Withering's A. fœtidus.