Page:Coloured Figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms.djvu/634

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AGARICUS fuscipes.

I find no description of this Agaric, and have named it from the brown stem, which is solid, with a pith. The gills are rather broad, of a deep buff colour; the pileus lighter buff, with a darker colour shaded by degrees into a brown in the centre, which almost forms an umbo. I found this in small quantities in Sir William Jerningham's plantations at Costefey near Norwich.


BOLETUS velutinus. With. v. 4. p. 331. ed. 3.

{{larger|This Boletus has a pileus in its early state fo very like velvet, that the name could not be more apt. When more advanced it almost deserves the term hispid, as it resembles plush; afterwards it becomes, black, and rots, the pores at first being occasionally of a whitish or light yellow colour and short; they grow longer and browner till they emit a yellow powder, which is more readily seen when its weight causes the threads of the spiders which have run over the pores to hang down in festoons like Boletus hepaticus, tab. 58. The edges of the pores are sometimes perceptibly fringed. This fungus grows most commonly on apple trees, and often to a very large size.—Is it B. villofus Hudson? B. spongiosus Lightfoot?


BOLETUS arboreus.

smallcaps uncommon on rotten willows in the autumn in the Willow Walk, Chelfsa. We found the same on an old oak stump in Stone park near Withyam, Sufsex. A flat specimen was brought me by Mr. Jenkins, gathered by himself. Dr. Nœhden, and Mr. Gotobed, in Black park, near Eton. It varies in shape, conforming to the inequalities of the trees it grows on, lining their cavities with its irregular sinuosities or pores, which are somewhat central, and mostly of a reddish brown. The extremities are rugged and white. In rainy weather, it is of a jelly-like substance : in dry, horny.