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of finding a home in the New World. When they had done so, the remainder of their brethren, with the beloved Elder Robinson, were to join them.


Two vessels were chartered for this apparently humble enterprise—the Speedwell, which was to convey the pilgrims from Holland to Southampton, and the Mayflower, which was to await their arrival at the English port. On the 22d July, 1620, after a day of solemn humiliation and prayer, the advance guard of the deserted little church marched out among their brethren, and embarked on the Speedwell in Delft harbor, arriving in due course at Southampton, where the Mayflower lay at anchor.

A fortnight later, both vessels set sail for America; but, before much progress had been made, the Speedwell was compelled to put into Plymouth Harbor, being found utterly unseaworthy. This caused a delay of a month; and it was not until the autumn had begun that the Mayflower made her final and solitary departure from Plymouth, with all who remained faithful to their purpose on board. A stormy voyage of sixty-five days brought the now world-famous little vessel in sight of Cape Cod, and, after an unsuccess-