Page:Columbus and other heroes of American discovery; (IA columbusotherher00bell).pdf/21

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D'Iberville's Arrival at the Mouth of the Mississippi—Foundation of the first French
Fort on the Bay of Biloxi—English Expedition to the Mississippi—The
Mississippi Scheme—Foundation of New Orleans—Bursting of the Bubble—Louisiana
ceded to England—Boone's first Trip to Kentucky—Taken Prisoner
by the Indians—Escape—Meeting with his Brother—Murder of Squire Boone's
Servant—A White Man's Skeleton found in the Woods—Hunters on the Ohio
and in Tennessee—First Settlers start for Kentucky—An Indian Ambush—Retreat—Boone
in Despair—Fresh Hope—Boone's Third Trip at the Head
of a Surveying Party—Purchase of Lands from the Cherokees—Foundation
of Boonesborough—Influx of Emigrants across the Alleghanies—First Settlement
of Tennessee, Ohio, Illinois, and the South of Michigan—The English
supplant the French in Louisiana—Restriction of the Name of Louisiana
to a small Tract—First English Settlements in Mississippi and Alabama—Acquisition
of Florida—First Spanish and English Settlements in Texas—Acquisition
of California, Arizona, and New Mexico—Gradual Retreat of the
Red Men before the White Settlers. 164


The new-born Republic—Pike's Embarkation on the Mississippi at Fort Louis—Sledge
Journey along the Banks of the Mississippi—A Chippeway Encampment—A
Native Pictorial Record—A Member of the North-west Company—On
Snow-shoes to Leech and Red Cedar Lakes—A Council of Chippeway Warriors—Back
to St. Louis—New Expedition organized—The Osage Captives—Along
the Arkansas—Arrival at the Head-waters of the Mississippi—Search for the
Red River of the South—The Rio del Norte mistaken for it—The Explorers
taken Prisoners by the Spaniards—Journey across Texas to Natchitoches—Lewis
and Clarke embark on the Missouri at St. Louis—The Mouth of the Platte,
or Nebraska—Among the Sioux—Difficulty with Indians at the Great Bend—The
Mouth of the Yellowstone River—Encounters with White and Brown
Bears—The two Forks of the Missouri—Long Hesitation as to which to follow—Lewis
solves the Problem by the Discovery of the Great Falls—Terrible Storm,
and Narrow Escape of Clarke—The Gates of the Rocky Mountains—Across the
Mountains and Discovery of the Source of the Missouri—Search for Shoshones—Three
Indian Women surprised—In the Shoshone Camp—Vain Attempt to
reach the Source of the Columbia—On the Summit of the Rocky Mountain
Range—Down the Pacific Slope to the lower Course of the Columbia—*