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Fröbel’s Pedagogics of the Kindergarten, Chap, XIV.; Marwedel’s Conscious Motherhood, Chaps. VI, and VII.; Necker de Saussure’s Progressive Education, Book II., Chap. VI.; Preyer’s Mental Development in the Child, Chap, VII.

    protests. The latter wrote: “First let the mother-tongue be studied, and teach everything through the mother-tongue, so that the learner’s attention may not be diverted to the language.” Again: “To learn Latin before learning the mother-tongue is like wishing to mount a horse before knowing how to walk.”

    The Port Royalists also joined in this protest against the humanists. They wrote: “People complain, and complain with reason, that in giving their children Latin we take away French; and to turn them into citizens of ancient Rome, we make them strangers in their native land.”