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Mr. Gowdy. Have you had a conversation with the President since you were terminated?

Mr. Comey. No.

Mr. Gowdy. Have you had a conversation with Jeff Sessions?

Mr. Comey. No.

Mr. Gowdy. Did you have a conversation with Bob Mueller from the time you were terminated until the time he was appointed special counsel?

Mr. Comey. No.

Mr. Gowdy. Did you have a conversation with anyone who is currently on Special Counsel Mueller's team between the time you were terminated and the time special counsel was appointed?

Mr. Comey. No.

Mr. Meadows. Let me ask one clarifying question, if you don't mind.

Director Comey, you were saying that you had no knowledge that Perkins Coie was actually involved with the Democrat National Committee and involved in this particular investigation that ultimately was initiated. Is that correct?

Mr. Comey. I, when I was FBI Director, don't remember ever being told anything about Perkins Coie. I think I've since read stuff in the media, but not when I was Director.

Mr. Meadows. So are you saying that James Baker, your general counsel, who received direct information from Perkins Coie, did so and conveyed that to your team without your