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[1:00 p.m.]

Mr. Gowdy. We'll go back on the record.

Director Comey, I'm going to summarize from a portion of what we refer to as the Comey memos. This one is from February of 2017. I don't know whether or not you have a copy of your memos or whether or not you have recollection of what's in them.

Mr. Kelley. We don't have copies with us. If you want to give them to us, it might expedite things.

Mr. Gowdy. And, again, this is one from February of 2017.

Mr. Comey. Which date in February?

Mr. Gowdy. I want to say it's the 14th, but I could be wrong -- 14th.

Mr. Comey. Okay. Got it.

Mr. Gowdy. And at the top, it says, "I attended an Oval Office" -- you got that one?

Mr. Comey. I got it.

Mr. Gowdy. Fourth paragraph, and just tell me whether or not I'm fairly summarizing this. I'm not going to read it all, but: He -- and I assume "he" is the President, President Trump -- began by saying he wanted want to talk about Mike Flynn. That's in quotes. He said that, although Flynn hadn't done anything wrong in his call with the Russians, he had to let him go because he misled the Vice President, whom he described as a good guy. Now, was the "he" -- is the "he" modifying Vice President Pence or Mike Flynn, when you say whom he described