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Chairman Goodlatte. All right. We'll go on the record. This is the continuation of the transcribed interview of Mr. James Comey.

And, Mr. Comey, do you understand that the questions you were asked at the beginning of the first day of interviews all still apply and that you are under oath?

Mr. Comey. Yes, sir. This is not under oath, but I have an obligation to tell the truth.

Chairman Goodlatte. Correct.

And we will, as we did with the first one, make every effort to have the transcription available tomorrow, and we'll get it out as quickly as we possibly can.

Let's go around the room and have everyone here introduce themselves. And I'm Bob Goodlatte, Member of Congress from Virginia.

Mr. Gowdy. Trey Gowdy, South Carolina.

Mr. Ratcliffe. John Ratcliffe, Texas.

Mr. Meadows. Mark Meadows, North Carolina.

Mr. Jordan. Jim Jordan, Ohio.

Chairman Goodlatte. All right. Let's get staff.

Ms. Shen. Valerie Shen, House Oversight, Democrats.

Mr. Hiller. Aaron Hiller, House Judiciary, Democrats.

Ms. Hariharan. Arya Hariharan, House Judiciary, Democrats.

Ms. Sachsman Grooms. Susanne Sachsman Grooms, House Oversight, Democrats.