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him, people besides General Flynn.

Mr. Jordan. Did the President know?

Mr. Comey. I don't know.

Mr. Jordan. In the next-to-last paragraph, last sentence, you said, "I did not comment at any point during this topic" -- and the topic is about General Flynn -- "and there was no mention or acknowledgment of any FBI interest in or contact with General Flynn."

Tell me what that sentence means there.

Mr. Comey. Say again, sir?

Mr. Jordan. That last sentence you wrote, what do you mean in that sentence? What are you talking about?

Mr. Comey. Exactly what I said here, that at no time during the dinner was there a reference, allusion, mention by either of us about the FBI having contact with General Flynn or being interested in General Flynn investigatively.

Mr. Jordan. That was what I wanted to know. So this is not just referring to the President didn't bring it up. You didn't bring it up either.

Mr. Comey. Correct, neither of us brought it up or alluded to it.

Mr. Jordan. Why not? He's talking about General Flynn. You had just interviewed him 3 days earlier and discovered that he was lying to the Vice President, knew he was lying to the Vice President, and, based on what we've heard of late, that he lied to