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Mr. Comey. That's how I've always investigated.

Mr. Gowdy. -- if your goal is to get the Vice President to quit misspeaking publicly, you could have told the Vice President, "Quit saying that. It's not true."

Mr. Comey. Could have. Yeah.

Mr. Gowdy. I want you to flip over to the affidavit, if you will, from Peter Strzok, who was one of the two Bureau agents that interviewed Flynn.

Mr. Comey. I'm sorry, I don't see an affidavit.

Mr. Gowdy. Page 3. Do you see that?

Mr. Comey. I'm looking for an affidavit. I don't —— hold on.

Mr. Gowdy. Maybe it's a 302.

Mr. Comey. I see a 302 from an interview on 7/19/2017 of Peter Strzok.

Mr. Gowdy. I am looking at one date of August 22nd, 2017.

Mr. Comey. Okay, hold on.

I got it. I'm sorry.

Mr. Gowdy. Can you look at page 3?

Mr. Comey. Oh, I see. The write-up is August 22nd; the interview is 7/19. That's what was confusing me. I got it. Page 3.

Mr. Gowdy. All right. Second full paragraph, begins "Before the interview"?

Mr. Comey. I see that, yep.