Page:Comical adventures of the late Mr James Spiller comedian at Epsom, in England.pdf/15

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Mr. James Spiller Comedian.


the door open: But it being a thick
oak door, and ſo ſtrongiy ſlayed with-
in, it was too mach for them to ac-
compliſh. So, after they had bounc-
ed againſt it half a doſen of times to
no purpoſe, they ſtood to liſten whe-
ther they could learn what he was a-
bout; and Spiller at the ſame time
rightly gueſſing what their ſudden ſi-
lence was for, ſays to himſelf (but loud
enough for them to hear him) the
public inns are ſometimes very dan-
gerous places, and a man cannot be
too ſeſure in them; but tho’ l have
the misfortune to have loſt my hear-
ing, l think they cannot eaſily make
their way through that ſtrong door,
and that heavy cheſt of drawers, and
ah the other things which l have put
againſt them; and if they ſhould,
they can want nothing but to rob and
murder me, l am ſure.

When they all heard this, the hoſt-
eſs gravely ſaid to the two gentlemen.
—Gentlemen! Do you hear this! I
am glad yon did not force open the
door, with all my heart; for if you
had, we might have been all ruined.