Page:Comical adventures of the late Mr James Spiller comedian at Epsom, in England.pdf/19

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Obabiah Mouſetrap.


notice of. Ingratitude is certainly one
of the worſt fins that a man can be
guilty of, and in a very ſpecial man-
ner, when, it is committed in a breach
of truſt, under the perſon who gives
them bread for life. If then, I ſay,
ſuch an one ſhould be found betray-
ing his father’s truſt, and yielding
up any right of his, for a fordid and
paultry bribe; if the perſon who had
ſeduced him, ſhould then fight him
with his own weapons, and trick him
of his covenanted reward and unjuſt
hire, as my reader will find was the
caſe in the following ſtory: Such a
perſon, I ſay, if he ſhould break art-
icles with him, and bilk him of his
unjuſt and criminal expectations, is
rather to be commended than the o-
ther pitied. There is no creature upon
the face of the earth ſo guilty of this
crime, ingratitude, as mankind. E-
ven the moſt ſurious of wild beaſts
are civilized by gratitude, and wit
not hurt their benefactors and pro-
viders. But man is daily giving up
his father, mother, wife, children,
friend, nay, and his whole country,
for a mere trifle. Let every man, thus