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The comical Adventures, &c.


tortions of thoughts do we meet with?
If they ſpeak nonſenſe, they believe
they are talking humour, and when
they have drawn together a ſcheme of
inconſiſtant ideas, they are , not able
to read it over to themſelves without
laughing. Theſe poor gentlemen en-
deavour to gain themſelves the repu-
tation of wits and humouriſts, by
ſuch monſtrous conceptions as almoſt
qualifies them for Bedlam: Not con-
ſidering, that humour ſhould always
be under the check of reaſon, and that
it requires the direction of the niceſt:
judgement, by ſo much the more as
it indulges itſelf in the moſt bound-
leſs freedoms. There is a kind of
nature to be obſerved in this ſort of
compoſition, as well as in all others,
and a certain regularity of thought
within, moſt diſcover the writer to be
a man of ſenſe at the ſame time that
he appears altogether given up to ca-
price. For my part, when I read the
delirious mirth of an unſkilful au-
thor, l cannot be ſo barbarous as to
divert myſelf with it; but am rather
apt to pity the man that laughs at a-
ny thing he writes ———It is indeed,