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was the first that sow’d the potatoes in Ireland, for he knew it was a bit of good fat ground, it being a gentleman’s garden before Noah’s flood.

Tom. But dear Pady, is shaint Patrick yet alive, that he hears the Irish people when they speak of his name? Teag. Arra dear honey, I don’t know whether he be dead or alive, but it is a long time since they kill’d him the people turned all heathens, but he would not change his profession, and was going to run the country with it, and for taking his gospel away to England, so the barbarous Tories of Dublin cutted off his head, and what do you think he did when his head was off.

Tom. What could a dead man do you fool?

Teag. Dead! faith he was not such a big fool as die yet, he swim’d over to England after this, and brought his head along with him.

Tom. And how did he carry his head and swim too? Teag. Arra dear honey, he carried his head in his teeth;

Tom. No Pady it won’t hold; I must have caution for that. Teag. If you wo’nt believe me I’ll swear it over again.


Tom. AND how did you get safe out of Scotland at last? Teag. By the law dear honey, when I came to Portpatrick, and saw my own kingdom. I thought I was safe at home, but I was clean dead and almost drowned before I could get riding over the water; for I with nine or ten passagers more, leapt on a little young boat, having but four men dwelling in a little house, in the one end of it, which was all thacket with deals; and after they had pulled up her tedder stick, and said her long halter over her main, they pull’d up a long big sheet like three or four pair of blankets, to the riggen of the house; and the wind blew in that.