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22 his knees, carressed it, and the poor little creature, notwithstanding its pain, seemed sensible of his pity, and licked his hands. "Wretch that I am," said William, "to have hurt this poor little beast; I have broken his leg, and still he seems fond of me; I shall never forgive myself for have- ing committed so shameful an action; mam ma will be comming back soon; where shall I hide myself? whither shall I go! Ah! my dear papa, you were right in say- ing that a passionate temper would be my ruin. Poor Pompey! how sorry I am that I have hurt thee!” As this moment mam- ma returned. What a sight! Her son sobbing and bathed in tears! Pompey groaning with pain William's knees ! She guessed in a moment what had passed.- “Punish me, mamma," said he'; " indeed I deserve it; how was it possible I could be so inhuman? tell me, mamma, will the poor dog die?" " No, my son, I will not punish you ; you seem already suffer iently punished; on the contrary, I will rather pity you. I am fully sensible what you suffer at this moment. It is