Page:Comical tricks of Lothian Tom (3).pdf/24

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           the Butcher, and what will you have for
           it? Just thirty five shillings, say Tom.---
           No, says the Butcher, but by what I hear
           of it, I'll give you thirty; Na, says Tom,
           you must remember, that it is not the
           price of it, but you may give me twenty
           shillings just now and send out your lad
           to-morrow, and we'll perhaps agree about
           it. Thus Tom went through ten of them
           in one day, and got twenty shillings from
           each of them, and kept his speech against
           the law, for whatever they offered him for
           his calf he old them to remember, that
           was not to be the price of it, but give me
           twenty shillings just now, and send your
           lad to-morrow, and perhaps we will agree,
           was all that passed. So Tom went home
           with his ten pounds and paid his rent.
           Early next morning, the fleshers came to
           Tom's house for the calf, and every one
           called for his calf, but Tom had only one
           to serve them all. Now, says Tom, who-
           ever will give most, and speediest will have
           it, I will put it to a roup. What, said one
           of them, my master bought it yesterday.
           Then said Tom, you would be a great fool
           to buy it to day, for it is fashious to lead,
           and heavy to carry.