Page:Comin' Thro' the Rye (1898).djvu/315

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Silvia would say if she knew? For all her indifference, I have caught some strange glances shot at Paul's unconscious face, and several times lately perceived her watching me with a keen intentness that tells a different story to her idle, listless ways, and nonchalant, careless speech.

How the men are laughing in the dining-room! What guffaws and explosions and exhausted roars peal forth! Something vulgar is on the tapis, I am certain, for I have long since learned that anything broad appeals irresistibly to man, whether he be prince or potman, prelate or parson, learned sage or simple squire; men's hearts warm to each other over a good joke, and Shakespeare might as well have written, "A touch of vulgarity makes the whole world kin," as "nature." In the drawing-room the married ladies are holding up their hands, and relating to each other stories tending to the discredit of their men and maids in waiting, who are, strange to say, addicted to much the same vices and weaknesses as their masters and mistresses (such presumption!), only, poor souls! they are not delicate over them; and romance without an "h" to bless itself with does not appeal to the imagination as the more aristocratic failings of their betters do.

You, Sarah Ann, who have been discovered with Jeames's arm pressing your too adaptive form, are a bold-faced, abandoned hussey, and out you must pack without a character, and with a scanty wage; and you, Jeames, are a shameless varlet, who ought to be above such lowness, but as you are not, there is not much difficulty in prophesying your end. You neither of you seem to be aware that only rich people, high people, good people (so called from a polite fiction, for is not the best society the worst?) can be immoral with impunity, and embrace other men's wives and daughters when they please; to be wicked with safety you must roll in a carriage, and keep your unlawful assignations with a coachman and footman to vouch for your respectability. Sarah