Page:Community Vital Signs Research Paper - Miquel Laniado Consonni.pdf/20

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Sustainability 2022, 14, 4705
20 of 41

to RQ2 [Stability], then, we can summarize that more established and mature communities are engaging a greater share of editors for several consecutive months, instead in younger projects, we observe more volatility, and the active community is mostly composed of editors who are active for a few months in a row.

Figure 5. Vital sign: Stability. Monthly percentage of the fraction of editors who are active for a given stretch of time from 1 month (grey), 2 months (green), 3 to 5 months (yellow), 7 to 12 months (red), 1 to 2 years (purple) and more than 2 years (blue).

[T2] Fresh editors: We would argue setting a target of 30–40% of “fresh” editors. This may be desirable in order to have an influx of new energy and ideas. If higher than this,