Page:Comparative Grammar of the Sanskrit, Zend, Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Gothic, German and Slavonic languages (Bopp 1885).pdf/16

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of cases produced by the Pehlvi translator as verbal persons, and next these also confounded with each other, or translated by abstract nouns.[1] Anquetil makes, as far as I know, no

  1. I give the Zend expressions according to the system of representation explained in §.30., annexing the original characters, which are exhibited in type for the first time in this book, and which were lately cut at the order of the Royal Society of Literature by R. Gotzig, according to the exemplar of the lithographed M.S. of M. Burnouf. I give the Pehlvi words exactly according to Anquetil (II. 435): AVE ahmâkĕm, "pov," P. rouman (ef. p. 502, roman, "nos"), A. "je," "moi," ahulya, "bonis" (with dual termination, &. 215), P. avaék, A. "bon," "excellent;" altê, "hi," "," P. varman, "is," A. "lui;" Frau anhem, "I was," or also "I am," P. djanounad, "he is," A. "il est;"> anheus, "mundi," P. akhé, A. "le monde;" fro»»» avalshanm," horum," P. varmouschan, "," A. "eux;" spssssy baraiti, "fert," P. dadrouneschné, "the carrying" (eschné, in Pehlvi, forms abstract substantives), A. "il porte," "il erecute," "porter;" wbis, "twice," P. dou, "two," A. "deux;" bérétebio su, baratilyo, "ferenti- bus?" (unquestionably a plural dative and ablative), P. dadrouneschné, "the carrying," A. "porter;" wote, "tui," P. tou, "tu," A. "toi;" hre tácha, "eaque," (neut. 3. 231), P. zakedj, A. "ce;" psy jato, "the smitten" (cf. Sansk. halas from han), P. maitouned, "he smites," A, "il frappe" rosy janat, "he smote," P. maitouneschné, "the smiting," A. "frapper" zanthra, "per genitorem," P. zarhounad, "gi- s gnit," A. "il engendre," oss stri, "femina," P. vakad, A. "femelle," pss strim, "feminam," P. vahad, A. "femelle;" foss átáram, "stellarum," P. setaran, A. "les étoiles;" susugudd fra-dátái, "to the given," or "especially given," P. feraz deheschné (nomen actionis), A. " donner abondamment gulthanam, "mundorum," P. quehan (cf.), A. "le monde," spf prowe gatimcha, "locum- que," P. gah, A. "lieu" nars, "of the man," P. guebna hamat advak, A. " un homme;" as nara, "two men," P. guebna hamat dou, A. "deux hommes;" náirihananm, “feminarum." P. nai- rik hamat sé, A. "trois (ou plusieurs) femmes;" / thryanm, "trium," P. sevin, A. "troisième;" fel vahmemcha, "præcla- rumque," P. néueschiné, "adoratio," A. "je fais nénesch;" swissly vah- mái, "præclaro," P, néacsch, honam, "adorationem facio," A. "je bénis