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Ord. No. 14 of 2012
(b) any criminal proceedings other than proceedings for—
(i) an offence under section 55 (Providing false or misleading documents or information);
(ii) an offence under Part V (Perjury) of the Crimes Ordinance (Cap. 200); or
(iii) an offence of perjury.

46. Obligation of confidence

(1) A person is not excused from providing to the Commission any information or producing any document to the Commission under this Part in respect of which an obligation of confidence is owed to any other person.

(2) A person who, when required to do so under this Ordinance, produces any document or provides any information to the Commission, in respect of which an obligation of confidence is owed to any other person, is not personally liable for that act.

Division 3—Search and Seizure

47. Appointment of authorized officers

The Commission may, in writing, appoint any employee of the Commission as an authorized officer of the Commission (an “authorized officer”) for the purposes of this Part.

48. Warrant to enter and search premises

(1) A judge of the Court of First Instance may issue a warrant authorizing a person specified in the warrant, and any other persons who may be necessary to assist in the execution of the warrant, to enter and search any premises if the judge is satisfied, on application made on oath by an authorized officer, that there are reasonable grounds to suspect that there are or are likely to be, on the premises, documents that may be relevant to an investigation by the Commission.

(2) A warrant under subsection (1) may be issued subject to any conditions specified in it that apply to the warrant itself or to any further authorization under it (whether granted under its terms or any provision of this Ordinance).