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Ord. No. 14 of 2012
(g) any matter related to a matter referred to in paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) or (f) if the matters arise out of the same or substantially the same facts.

(2) In the exercise of its jurisdiction, the Tribunal has the same jurisdiction to grant remedies and reliefs, equitable or legal, as the Court of First Instance.

143. Powers of Tribunal

(1) The Tribunal has, with respect to—

(a) the attendance, swearing and examination of witnesses;
(b) the production and inspection of documents;
(c) the enforcement of its orders; and
(d) all other matters necessary for the exercise of its jurisdiction,

all the powers, rights and privileges of a superior court of record.

(2) Without limiting the scope of subsection (1), in proceedings before the Tribunal, the Tribunal may—

(a) receive and consider any evidence, whether by way of oral evidence, written statements, documents or otherwise, and whether or not it would otherwise be admissible in a court of law;
(b) determine the manner in which it will receive evidence referred to in paragraph (a);
(c) by notice in writing, signed by the presiding member of the Tribunal, summon any person—
(i) to produce any article or document that is relevant to the proceedings and is in that person’s possession or under that person’s control;
(ii) to appear before it and to give any evidence relevant to the proceedings; and
(d) exercise such other powers as may be necessary or ancillary to the conduct of any proceedings.

Division 3—Practice and Procedure

144. Procedures

(1) The Tribunal may decide its own procedures and may, in so far as it thinks fit, follow the practice and procedure of the Court of First Instance in the exercise of its civil jurisdiction, and for this purpose, has the same jurisdiction, powers and duties of the Court in respect of such practice and procedure, including the jurisdiction, powers and duties of the Court in respect of costs.