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Ord. No. 14 of 2012
(iii) by sending it by facsimile transmission to the facsimile number of the body corporate or, if that number is unknown, to the last known facsimile number of the body corporate; or
(iv) by sending it by electronic mail transmission to the electronic mail address of the body corporate or, if that address is unknown, to the last known electronic mail address of the body corporate;
(c) in the case of service on a partnership—
(i) by delivering it to any place in Hong Kong at which the partnership carries on business and giving it to any person in the place who appears to be concerned in the management of, or employed by, the partnership;
(ii) by sending it by post in a letter addressed to the partnership at any place in Hong Kong at which the partnership carries on business or, if the partnership’s address is unknown, addressed to the partnership’s last known place of business;
(iii) by sending it by facsimile transmission to the facsimile number of the partnership or, if that number is unknown, to the last known facsimile number of the partnership; or
(iv) by sending it by electronic mail transmission to the electronic mail address of the partnership or, if that address is unknown, to the last known electronic mail address of the partnership; or
(d) in the case of service on an undertaking other than a natural person, a body corporate or a partnership—
(i) by delivering it personally to an officer of the undertaking or a member of its governing body;
(ii) by sending it by post in a letter addressed to the undertaking at any place in Hong Kong at which the undertaking carries on business or, if the undertaking’s address is unknown, addressed to the undertaking’s last known place of business;
(iii) by sending it by facsimile transmission to the facsimile number of the undertaking or, if that number is unknown, to the last known facsimile number of the undertaking; or
(iv) by sending it by electronic mail transmission to the electronic mail address of the undertaking or, if that address is unknown, to the last known electronic mail address of the undertaking.

(2) A notice, direction or other document served in accordance with subsection (1) is to be taken to have been served—