Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 01.djvu/135

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"Just do it for my sake, please," she said, fondling her.

"Well, will you be happy, if I shall be ill to-morrow?" said Madame Valákhin, smiling carelessly.

"Ah, you have consented! Shall we stay?" called out Sónichka, jumping up with delight.

"What am I to do with you? Go, dance! Here is a cavalier for you," she said, pointing at me.

Sónichka gave me her hand, and we ran into the parlour.

The wine which I had drunk and the presence and merriment of Sónichka caused me completely to forget the unfortunate incident of the mazurka. I did the funniest tricks with my feet: now I imitated a horse, and ran at a quick trot, proudly raising my feet; now I rattled them on one spot, like a wether that is angered at a dog, and all the time laughed from the depth of my soul, not being in the least concerned what impression I produced upon the spectators. Sónichka, too, did not cease laughing: she laughed because we were circling around and holding each other's hands; she laughed at some elderly gentleman, who slowly raised his feet in order to step across a handkerchief, making it appear that it was very hard for him to do; and she nearly died with laughter, when I jumped almost to the ceihng, to show her my agility.

As I passed through grandmother's cabinet, I looked at myself in the glass: my face was perspiring, my hair dishevelled; my tufts stuck in every direction; but the general expression of my face was so happy, good-natured, and healthy, that I was pleased with myself.

"If I were always as I am now," thought I, "I should not fail to please others."

But when I again glanced at the pretty face of my lady, I found in it, in addition to the expression of merriment, health, and carelessness, which had pleased me in my own, so much of refined and gentle beauty, that I