Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 01.djvu/226

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my glance, in which were expressed despair, supplication, and reproach.

"Mikhaíl Lariónovich!" said I.

"No," he answered, guessing what I intended to tell him, "you can't study that way. I will not take money for nothing."

The teacher put on his overshoes and camlet overcoat, and carefully wrapped himself in a shawl. As if one could think of anything, after what had happened to me! For him it was but a movement of the pen, but for me it was my greatest misfortune.

"Is the lesson over?" asked St. Jérôme, as he entered the room.


"Was the teacher satisfied with you?"

"Yes," said Volódya.

"What did you get?"


"And Nicolas?"

I was silent.

"I think, four," said Volódya.

He knew I had to be saved, if only for to-day. Let them punish me, as long as it was not to-day, when guests were at the house.

"Voyons, messieurs!" (St. Jérôme was in the habit of saying voyons! to everything.) "Faîtes votre toilette et descendons!"