Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 13.djvu/297

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does not remain anhypostatic and introduce another hypostasis into the Trinity.’” (p. 114.)

142. Moral application of the dogma about the mystery of the incarnation. All these dogmas give us the following lessons: (1) all these blasphemous controversies, in the opinion of the author, “confirm the faith in us;” (2) faith reminds us of hope; (3) kindles in us the love for God; (4) teaches us to glorify not only God, but also “to glorify with all the strength of our being the Most Holy, Most Blessed, Glorious Lady, our Mother of God and Ever Virgin Mary;” (5) “to respect in ourselves the dignity of man,” because Christ was God and man; (6) “finally, presents to us in the incarnated Son of God a most perfect example for emulation, in accordance with his own words: ‘For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you’ (John xiii. 15).” (p. 115.)