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are young yet. My son, the master has been asking for you in the yard.

Nikíta. I just came to get the axe.

Matréna. I know, I know, my friend, what kind of an axe you mean. That kind of an axe is mostly near women.

Nikíta (bending down and picking up the axe). Well, mother, do you really intend marrying me off? I consider it all useless. And, then, I have no desire.

Matréna. My darling, what is the use of marrying? You had better go on living as you do, but it is the old man who wants it. Go, my dear, we will fix matters without you.

Nikíta. This is remarkable: now I am to marry, and now again I am not. I can't make it out at all. (Exit.)

Scene X. Anísya and Matréna.

Anísya. Well, Aunt Matréna, do you really want to get him married?

Matréna. What are we to marry him with, my dear? We have no means, you know. My old man is just atalking, without any sense whatsoever. He keeps insisting that he should marry. But this is a matter above his mind. Horses, you know, do not gallop away from oats, and people ought not to look out for other things, while they have something good at hand,—just so it is in this case. Can't I see (winking) what is up here?

Anísya. Why should I conceal it from you, Aunt Matréna? You know everything. I have sinned: I love your son.

Matréna. You did tell me some news: Aunt Matréna did not know it. But I tell you, woman, Aunt Matréna is sly, oh, so sly. Let me tell you my dear,—Aunt Matréna can see a yard below ground. I know everything, my dear! I know what women want sleeping