Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/168

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I did. But you knew, you knew, you knew! We had agreed upon it.

Matréna. That will do! Nikíta, don't be so stubborn! What is to be done? You must take the trouble! Go, my dear!

Anísya. I declare! The pretty fellow! He does not want to! You have wronged me enough! You have been misusing me, and now is my turn. Go, I say, or I will show you what I can do. Take the spade, here! Go!

Nikíta. Don't insist so! (Takes the spade, but reluctantly.) If I don't want to I won't go.

Anísya. You won't? (Begins to cry out.) Oh, people, people!

Matréna (putting her hand on her mouth). What are you doing? Are you insane? He will go. Go, my son, go, my dear!

Anísya. I will call for help at once.

Nikíta. Stop it! Oh, what people they are! Hurry up! I will do it. (Goes to the cellar.)

Matréna. Yes, my son, you knew how to have a good time, know how to hide your crime!

Anísya (still excited). He and his slut have been making fun of me, that will stop now! I sha'n't be the only one. Let him be a murderer, too! He will know how it feels.

Matréna. Well, well, how you are blustering! Woman, don't be so angry, but do everything softly and slowly, as is proper. Go to the girl! He will do the work. (Follows him with the lantern. Nikita goes into the cellar.)

Anísya. I will make him choke the life out of his accursed offspring. (Still in excitement.) I am tired having Peter's bones upon my own conscience. Let him find out what it is! I will have no pity on myself, I will not, I have said.