Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/196

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Driver. They have sung all the songs waiting for him. (The women sing. During the song enter Nikíta and Akím.)

Scene II. The same, Nikíta, and Akím.

Nikíta (holding Akim by his hand and pushing him before himself). Go, father! I can't do it without you.

Akím. I don't like it, so to speak—

Nikíta (to the women). Stop your singing! (Surveying everybody in the room.) Marína, are you here?

Bridegroom's Mother. Take the image and bless them!

Nikíta. Wait, give me a chance! (Looking around him.) Akulína, are you here?

Bridegroom's Mother. Why are you calling up all the people? Where else is she to be? How strange he is—

Anísya. O Lord! He is undressed.

Nikíta. Father, are you here? Look at me! Orthodox people, you are all here, and so am I! Here I am! (Kneeling down.)

Anísya. Nikíta, what is the matter with you? Oh, my head!

Bridegroom's Mother. Well, I declare!

Matréna. I say he has drunk too much French wine. Come to your senses! What is the matter with you? (People try to lift him, but he pays no attention to anybody, and keeps looking in front of him.)

Nikíta. Orthodox people! I am guilty, and I want to make my confession.

Matréna (pulling him by the shoulder). What is the matter with you? Are you insane? Dear people, he is out of his mind,—we ought to take him away.

Nikíta (brushing her aside with his shoulder). Leave me alone! Father, listen to me! First of all, Marína,