Page:Complete Works of Count Tolstoy - 18.djvu/210

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Scene II. Grigóri and Tánya (in fur coat and half-shoes).

Grigóri. My respect to Tatyána Makárovna!

Tánya. What, are you looking at yourself? You imagine you are very good-looking!

Grigóri. Why, am I not?

Tánya. Neither good, nor bad-looking, just half and half. What are the furs doing here?

Grigóri. I shall take them away at once, madam. (Takes down a fur coat and covers Tánya with it, embracing her.) Tánya, let me tell you—

Tánya. Go to! What does this look like? (Angrily tearing herself away.) I tell you, leave me alone!

Grigóri (looking around). Kiss me!

Tánya. What makes you bother me so much? I will give you a kiss!— (Raises her hand to strike him.)

Vasíli Leonídych (behind the stage a bell is rung, and then a voice is heard). Grigóri!

Tánya. Go! Vasíli Leonídych is calling you.

Grigóri. He will wait: he has just opened his eyes. Tell me, why do you not love me?

Tánya. Don't talk about any of your loves! I do not love anybody.

Grigóri. It is not so. You love Semén. A fine fellow to love! A black-handed peasant of the pantry!

Tánya. Let him be what he may,—but you are envious.

Vasíli Leonídych (behind the scene). Grigóri!

Grigóri. Wait!—What have I to be envious of? You have just begun your education, and see with whom you are keeping company! It would be different if you loved me—Tánya—

Tánya (angrily and sternly). I tell you, you must not expect a thing.

Vasíli Leonídych (behind the scene). Grigóri!